5 Signs of Advanced Toenail Fungus

Some of the first indications you may have a fungal toenail infection will be the fine white lines or spots that appear on the surface of the nail. Since fungal toenail infections develop slowly and don’t usually cause any painful symptoms, many people don’t realize they have a serious problem until the infection has gotten worse. The affected nails may turn yellow and brittle, and a foul odor is often evident.

Five signs of an advanced fungal toenail infection include the following:

  • Pronounced odor—as the fungi feed on your skin, nails, and sweat, they produce an offensive odor that is often the main reason people seek treatment.

  • Toenail discoloration—as the infection progresses, more pronounced discoloration will occur, with nails turning brown, gray, or a deep yellow.

  • Raised ridges on toenail surface—Raised white ridges will be noticeable running across the nail.

  • Thickening of the nails—Thickening of the toenails will occur making them more difficult to trim properly.

  • Rough and scaly skin—Skin around the toenail will become calloused and rough.

Infections can be treated successfully with antifungal medications, laser therapy, topical or oral medicine. An untreated fungal toenail infection can spread to other nails and other people. If the fungi get into your bloodstream, the infection can become life-threatening.

Laser Therapy From Tri County Foot and Ankle Center

  • Laser therapy penetrates the nail bed and kills the fungus living underneath the nail – without pain and without any harmful side effects. When the colony of fungus under the nail is “attacked” by the laser, the elements that make it grow and thrive are destroyed. This allows your nail bed to begin growing new, healthy nail. Nails that won’t give you feelings of discomfort or embarrassment! Laser therapy is a quick and easy treatment allowing patients to relax during the procedure.

If you are experiencing signs of advancing fungal toenail infection, see our foot doctor to determine the best course of action. Serious cases may require surgery to remove the toenail to treat the infected toe directly. Call Tri County Foot & Ankle Center, located in Colts Neck, East Brunswick, Jersey City, Bayonne, Clifton, Kearny, and Randolph, NJ. With access to advanced technologies, our Podiatrists can help you manage all of your foot and ankle conditions, including heel pain, ankle sprains, fractures, tendinitis, toe deformities, fungal toenails, and plantar warts. Call us or fill out an appointment request form today.