3 Easy Arch Pain Treatments

When your arches aren’t properly supported, they are more susceptible to injury. The overpronation that frequently accompanies arch problems can lead to knee, hip, and back pain as well.  Arch pain has a variety of causes including a muscle or ligament injury, structural problems, a stress fracture, and various forms of arthritis. 

Arch pain can occur suddenly but it can also produce intermittent and difficult to trace symptoms, including an arch condition called plantar fasciitis that causes radiating pain in the heel area. Plantar fasciitis has similar symptoms to peroneal tendonitis, so it’s best to see your foot doctor for the correct treatment.

Three easy and effective arch pain treatments include the following:

  1. Properly fitted shoes and arch supports—Always have your feet properly measured when getting new footwear. Properly fitted shoes with the correct arch support can immediately improve arch and gait-related discomfort. To get the best fit, see your foot doctor for custom orthotic inserts that fit your precise foot shape.

  2. Rest and reduce swelling and pain—Resting your feet and applying ice and taking ibuprofen will help reduce swelling and pain.

  3. Physical therapy exercises—A variety of strength and flexibility exercises for your feet and calf muscles will stretch and strengthen the arches to help avoid injuries. This will also improve blood flow which hastens the healing of injured tissues.

For persistent arch pain, be sure to see our expert podiatry team for the proper diagnosis and additional treatment options. Call Tri County Foot & Ankle Center , located in Bayonne, Randolph, Kearny, Jersey City, Clifton and East Brunswick, NJ. With access to leading edge technologies, our Foot Doctors and their medical team can help you manage all of your foot and ankle conditions, including heel pain, ankle sprains, fractures, tendon injuries, toe deformities, fungal toenails, and plantar warts. Call us or request an appointment online today.