4 Steps to Prevent Foot Fatigue

4 Steps to Prevent Foot Fatigue - Tri County Foot & Ankle Center - Podiatrist New Jersey

Do you think more people today work on their feet? You might be right. It’s highly dependent on what field or position you’re working in, but a surprising amount of working adults are actively on their feet during their day. This can be done through quick and easy exercises that specifically target the inner workings of our feet and ankles, keeping them flexible and ready for the long day ahead.

Exercises specifically for your feet and ankles can help improve your strength, mobility, and flexibility overall, according to our Foot & Ankle Doctors. Exercising your feet and ankles is an important task regardless of your current foot and ankle health, though any pre-existing conditions should be considered before committing to an exercise routine.

Some basic foot and ankle exercises for you to try at home include:

  1. Ankle pumps - this involves slowly and steadily flexing your ankle back and forth from a 90-degree angle to pointing straight outwards.

  2. Tip-toeing - a move that is best done while sitting to start off, you will stand your feet up on your tiptoes, carefully moving from tip-toe to flat again.

  3. Toe scrunches - place a small towel on the floor and put your foot on top of it, then proceed to scrunch your toes in an effort to gather the towel together beneath your foot.

  4. Foot ABCs - in a sitting position, lift your leg up and point your toes straight before ‘drawing’ each letter of the alphabet in the air like your foot is a pen.

Making a habit of practicing these exercises daily can greatly reduce several types of aching pain and discomfort we experience in our feet and can help relieve foot fatigue. It’s important to note that anything hurting more than a normal ‘exercise pain’ should be brought up with our trusted Podiatrist at Tri County Foot & Ankle Center. If you have any questions, contact Tri County Foot & Ankle Center to schedule an appointment at one of our convenient new jersey locations.