Each type of injury or condition requires a surgery specific to its type and cause. Here are some of the most common forefoot problems and some basic information about the surgeries that could relieve them.
Read MoreYour nervous system provides the sensory and motor information that your muscles and other bodily systems need to operate. When your nerves' function is compromised, it can cause a tingling, burning, and numbing sensation in your extremities, with the feet frequently being affected.
Read MoreHeel pain can be a result from arch tears or radiating pain from another foot or ankle injury, Another cause of heel pain, such as from blisters, is wearing poorly fitted footwear and the corresponding rubbing on the heel. Request an appointment with our experienced podiatrists for a comprehensive evaluation and personal treatment plan.
Read MoreIn many cases, it’s a cardiological condition that leads to podiatric symptoms and side effects. The biggest overlapping factor here is circulation. Many health conditions lead to circulation problems, from high blood pressure to diabetes, and nerve disease. Schedule an appointment today with our Podiatrists at Tri County Foot & Ankle Center.
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